发表于 2024-8-14 21:20:21
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其中,UObjectBase 提供了四个核心属性:
typedef struct _UObjectBase
PVOID vftable;
EObjectFlags ObjectFlags; //UINT32 用于跟踪和报告各种对象状态的标志。这需要在32位上对齐8字节减少内存浪费的平台
UINT32 InternalIndex;//对象在全局表中的唯一索引
_UObjectBase* ClassPrivate;//对象的 UClass 类型
FName NamePrivate ;//对象名,也是全局唯一
_UObjectBase* OuterPrivate;//对象所属的 Outer 对象,即对象所在的 UPackage
UObjectBaseUtility 没有额外属性,提供了一系列引擎内部使用的方法,我们不必太关心。
数量=00000001,对象[0006][6724F]=0000018BC4E61A80 ID64=25AA318, 名字=CharacterSelectButton line=214
数量=00000002,对象[0006][672A5]=0000018BC4E6B380 ID64=25AA318, 名字=CharacterSelectButton line=214
$ ==> 00007FF6BC7C68A8
$+8 0006724F 00000008
$+10 0000018B50765100
$+18 00000000025AA318
$+20 0000018BE7AC4A20
$+28 0000018BBDD45080
$ ==> 00007FF6BC7C68A8
$+8 000672A5 00280008
$+10 0000018B50765100
$+18 00000000025AA318
$+20 0000018B42A99AF0
$+28 0000018A50A28680
enum EObjectFlags
// Do not add new flags unless they truly belong here. There are alternatives.
// if you change any the bit of any of the RF_Load flags, then you will need legacy serialization
RF_NoFlags = 0x00000000, ///< No flags, used to avoid a cast
// This first group of flags mostly has to do with what kind of object it is. Other than transient, these are the persistent object flags.
// The garbage collector also tends to look at these.
RF_Public =0x00000001, ///< Object is visible outside its package.
RF_Standalone =0x00000002, ///< Keep object around for editing even if unreferenced.
RF_MarkAsNative =0x00000004, ///< Object (UField) will be marked as native on construction (DO NOT USE THIS FLAG in HasAnyFlags() etc)
RF_Transactional =0x00000008, ///< Object is transactional. 对象是事务性的。
RF_ClassDefaultObject =0x00000010, ///< This object is its class's default object
RF_ArchetypeObject =0x00000020, ///< This object is a template for another object - treat like a class default object
RF_Transient =0x00000040, ///< Don't save object. //对象不能被保存
// This group of flags is primarily concerned with garbage collection.
RF_MarkAsRootSet =0x00000080, ///< Object will be marked as root set on construction and not be garbage collected, even if unreferenced (DO NOT USE THIS FLAG in HasAnyFlags() etc)
RF_TagGarbageTemp =0x00000100, ///< This is a temp user flag for various utilities that need to use the garbage collector. The garbage collector itself does not interpret it.
// 这组标志追踪一个对象生命周期的各个阶段 //The group of flags tracks the stages of the lifetime of a uobject
// 此对象尚未完成初始化过程。~FObjectInitializer完成时清除
RF_NeedInitialization =0x00000200, ///< This object has not completed its initialization process. Cleared when ~FObjectInitializer completes
RF_NeedLoad =0x00000400, ///< During load, indicates object needs loading.
RF_KeepForCooker =0x00000800, ///< Keep this object during garbage collection because it's still being used by the cooker
RF_NeedPostLoad =0x00001000, ///< Object needs to be postloaded.
RF_NeedPostLoadSubobjects =0x00002000, ///< During load, indicates that the object still needs to instance subobjects and fixup serialized component references
RF_NewerVersionExists =0x00004000, ///< Object has been consigned to oblivion due to its owner package being reloaded, and a newer version currently exists
RF_BeginDestroyed =0x00008000, ///< BeginDestroy has been called on the object.
RF_FinishDestroyed =0x00010000, ///< FinishDestroy has been called on the object.
// Misc. Flags
RF_BeingRegenerated =0x00020000, ///< Flagged on UObjects that are used to create UClasses (e.g. Blueprints) while they are regenerating their UClass on load (See FLinkerLoad::CreateExport()), as well as UClass objects in the midst of being created
RF_DefaultSubObject =0x00040000, ///< Flagged on subobjects that are defaults
//////<标记 该UObjects 为已加载
RF_WasLoaded =0x00080000, ///< Flagged on UObjects that were loaded
RF_TextExportTransient =0x00100000, ///< Do not export object to text form (e.g. copy/paste). Generally used for sub-objects that can be regenerated from data in their parent object.
//<对象已被linkerload完全序列化至少一次。请勿使用此标志,应将其替换为 RF_WasLoaded。
RF_LoadCompleted =0x00200000, ///< Object has been completely serialized by linkerload at least once. DO NOT USE THIS FLAG, It should be replaced with RF_WasLoaded.
RF_InheritableComponentTemplate = 0x00400000, ///< Archetype of the object can be in its super class
RF_DuplicateTransient =0x00800000, ///< Object should not be included in any type of duplication (copy/paste, binary duplication, etc.)
RF_StrongRefOnFrame =0x01000000, ///< References to this object from persistent function frame are handled as strong ones.
RF_NonPIEDuplicateTransient =0x02000000, ///< Object should not be included for duplication unless it's being duplicated for a PIE session
RF_Dynamic =0x04000000, ///< Field Only. Dynamic field - doesn't get constructed during static initialization, can be constructed multiple times
RF_WillBeLoaded =0x08000000, ///< This object was constructed during load and will be loaded shortly
RF_HasExternalPackage =0x10000000, ///< This object has an external package assigned and should look it up when getting the outermost package
UObject 扩展出了一些生命周期方法,以及最重要的序列化方法 Serialize(),
调用 UObject#Serialize() 即可完成对象的序列化或反序列化。
另外全局对象表代码在 /Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectHash.cpp,进入文件我们可以找到两个关键类:
/** Flags used to track and report various object states. This needs to be 8 byte aligned on 32-bit
platforms to reduce memory waste */
EObjectFlags ObjectFlags;
/** Index into GObjectArray...very private. */
int32 InternalIndex;
/** Class the object belongs to. */
UClass* ClassPrivate;
/** Name of this object */
FName NamePrivate;
/** Object this object resides in. */
UObject* OuterPrivate;
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